Home Digital Media 9 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media

by Tony R.
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8 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media

9 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media

Whether you’re a blogger, social media manager, or business owner looking to promote your brand on social media, it’s no secret that having a game plan is a must. Repositioning content (especially on limited budgets) allows you to repurpose content into channels and boost relevance, establish credibility, and reach more people. I’ve put together a list of ways to repurpose your content for social media to help you save time and energy.

8 Ways to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media

1. Create a Live video 

When creating content for future use, video is the best place to start. You can start by doing a live video.

Why do you want to do a live video? When you post a live video on Facebook or Instagram, the algorithms help it get more reach.

Once you have recorded your Live video, you can then break it up into smaller snippets of videos you can share as YouTube shorts, Facebook Stories, Instagram Stories, or on TikTok.

Don’t make your video too long—just long enough to edit into smaller pieces. Once you have created a 5-10 minute video, break it into smaller pieces and share those on social media, then publish the original longer video once all the parts are gone.

2. Change Video into Text Posts

Once you’ve recorded your live video, you can transcribe it with the help of a transcription service like Otter.ai. It’ll do a fine job and the free plan will be plenty for your needs.

To transcribe a video, press record in your video transcription app and place it next to your computer while you play the video. Accuracy should be within 80%. If you need to make edits, go into your app and listen to the recording and make the edits as needed.

3. Create A Blog 

Revise the transcription to use as an article or blog post, and place it on your website and other blogging platforms, such as Medium. Medium is a platform that already has an audience of readers interested in reading content. Putting your writing in front of these readers will introduce you to more people and if they like what they read, they will explore your other writings. 

4. Create Single Image Posts and Carousels

Create a post with a how-to or checklist that summarizes the information presented in your video.

5. Create a Podcast

We often underestimate the power of audio to reach large audiences. To repurpose your content, try creating a podcast, which will reach more people than you might imagine. I recommend using Buzzsprout or Anchor.fm because they are very easy to use and get your message out to the masses.

6. Create Audio Snippets

Create video snippets from your audio file on Headliner to give your visuals a more dynamic appeal. Create them with the help of the app’s many creative elements, including visual soundbars and wavelengths.

7. Create Short Videos

Use 15-30 seconds of your video to create short videos you can use on all the major social media platforms. This is a simple way to take advantage of the reels (short video segments) or stories (lessons learned, tips, etc.) that you share with your audience.

You can also easily create new short videos by replacing your original video with stock footage. There are a lot of free resources for stock videos online. Just do a general google search and you will find some.

8. Post the Complete Video

After you’ve posted all of your short videos, share the complete video with your community. By providing many pieces to your community, you’ll see an increase in video engagement and organic views.

9. Make Sure You Measure

Always be sure to track your efforts; measurement is the only way to know if what you’re doing is working and where to make improvements. If you don’t measure content, you’ll never understand what your audience wants and how to please them. Use UTM links to track the sources of engagement and how people are interacting with it.

Now that I’ve walked you through the process, I’ll invite you to join me in doing this experiment. After posting every piece of repurposed content, I’ll share my results with you. To find out what happens, sign up for my newsletter.

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